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Waste Oil Collection: Four Important Guidelines for Safe Handling

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If your business operations produce waste oil, you should plan for correct disposal. In general, improper disposal of residue oil from commercial or industrial processes will lead to environmental degradation. For instance, the oil could end up in aquatic ecosystems, causing harm to fish, birds and other organisms. Therefore, you should choose a professional company for waste oil collection and disposal. In addition, use the below-outlined tips to ensure safe handling of your waste oil before collection.

Choose Good Containers

When handling waste oil, ensure that you have the right containers. Often, accidents like spills and leaks occur due to the unsuitability of the containers. The most critical thing to consider when choosing your containers is the compatibility of a container for oil storage. Where possible, opt for drums designed specifically for waste oil storage. These containers should have covers for proper sealing. Inspect all your drums regularly to make sure they are structurally sound. Check for rust spots, holes and other signs of compromise. If the drums are damaged, replace them to prevent leakage.

Keep Records of the Oil

Proper management of waste oil is essential for personal and legal accountability. Therefore, when you collect oil on your site, take note of all details linked to your container. In simple terms, assign a unique number or code to each drum. Moreover, consider choosing an employee to be responsible for tracking the movement of the waste oil. A good tracking system will prevent legal problems in case of pollution in your vicinity. You should also remember to ask for information on the disposal of your oil from the chosen waste management company.

Avoid Mixing the Fluids

Waste oil must be handled separately from other fluids. Simply speaking, you should not mix oil with other materials such as antifreeze and other process chemicals. Combining fluids might seem innocuous, but the results can be dangerous. For instance, the combined fluids might react with each other, causing damage to the container. The result of this reaction would be leakage and contamination. Moreover, mixing different fluids with waste oil will make recycling impossible. Therefore, always store waste oil separately.

Clean Up Oil Spills

Finally, you should plan for the clean-up of waste oil spills. Keep in mind that small spills can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Therefore, do not wash away oil and allow it to flow down the drains. Instead, use absorbent materials to soak and wipe the fluid from the affected surfaces. Then, dispose of the soaked materials alongside the waste oil. 
